James Brown

Vice President of Operations

James has over 20 years of Operations & Customer Service related experience, 16 years of which have been in the Corporate Housing industry. Prior to joining the Suite Solutions team, James worked in the Operations Department for NCRC; a Washington, D.C. based non-profit Development Corporation that specialized in affordable housing and community development. His primary responsibility was External Affairs where he was responsible for public outreach programs, coordinating meetings with the mayor’s office, city council, national & local media, and with various civic organizations. During this time, James developed excellent communication and organizational skills. Prior to working at NCRC he worked as a Field Representative, Accounting Assistant, and Assistant to the VP of Operations for Ste-Del Services, a House Wares and Amenities Company. Ste-Del serves the corporate housing industry at many levels. James has an outstanding rapport with customers, extreme dedication to providing unsurpassed service, and is held in the highest regard by all of our customers.

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